Illustrated Standard Drawings Must "Proof"
The anatomy of the dog is such that all drafts for an illustrated standard should "proof" to provide correct angles and proportions as stated by the individual breed standard. It is most important to verify this against the correct properties of basic canine anatomy. The beginning draft sketch should be the foundation drawing for what will later be filled with detail. This important first illustrated standard draft should be built on the text of the breed standard. If the breed standard states body proportion and angles, they must be incorporated into each stage of draft through final illustration to assure that it meets the criteria set for the breed.
The same lines and angles which are used to proof the draft will then also follow through to proof the final drawing for the breed standard illustration. This assures that the illustrated standard drawing will agree with the written text of the breed standard and should visually verify as a typical correct example of the breed. The progression can be seen in the drawings, as pictured, from the Giant Schnauzer Illustrated Standard.
As in all illustrations, the drawing progresses from the draft to the final drawing. Although the angles and proportions remain the same, the look evolves as coat and detail are added to the drawing. The work progresses under the dictates of the illustrated standard committee and is translated on paper by the artist according to their dictates.
The addition of coat demonstrates the difference in an illustrated standard drawing as taken from draft to completed drawing in the Belgian Tervuren Illustrated Breed Standard. The drawing from the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Illustrated Standard proofs rear movement as described in the breed standard.
Belgian Tervuren Club Dog Head, Draft to Final for the Illustrated Breed Standard
Giant Schnauzer Illustrated STandard - Moving Dog Draft, Proof, and Final
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Illustrated Standard - Dog Moving Away Proofed with Measures
In any illustrated standard project, it is essential to successful completion that each stage proofs as the drawing progresses. Guided by the illustrated standard committee, the artist will utilize the established measurements at each step to verify that the illustration aligns with the text of the breed standard.