Clarity of Illustrated Standard Drawings
The illustrated standard publication must have flexible illustrations to accommodate whatever space is available between the important text which describes them. For this reason, illustrated standard drawings should re-size with clarity and accuracy. A project should not be based on illustrations which are conveyed on paper, then need to be scanned by a club member or printer for numerous generations, each decreasing in value and effecting the success of your illustrated standard project. With modern technology, it is essential to complete each drawing in digital formats that will both re-size and retain the original properties. It is absolutely a must to have access to a first generation image at all times. Digital images will enable this and they are the end result of the work for any successful illustrated breed standard. Don't make your club do the work of the artist. The artist should provide each drawing in a digital format which will scale clearly.
Image Reproduction Size comparisons - SHCA Illustrated
The Same Image at Different Sizes - GSCA Illustrated Standard
The Same Drawing in Different Sizes - Belgian Tervuren Head for the Illustrated STandard
Small, Medium, Large, and Everywhere in Between - It Should All Work
Breeds with differing coat types, or hairless breeds, will re-size accurately and clearly to illustrate your breed standard in the space allotted. Texture and coat properties do not need to be lost. Important points of the dog's conformation will be preserved, regardless of size, if finished in a flexible digital format.
Various mediums for the illustrated breed standard all resize digitally to retain the original detail. The essence of a hard, wavy, or wiry coat should be able to be seen, no matter what size is used. Muscle attribute will be preserved at various sizes if finished in a digital formats.
Drawing Size Flexibility - SBTCA Drawings for the Illustrated Breed Standard
Images Reproduce Clearly at different Sizes - AHTA Illustrated Standard
Important coat shading and patterns which vary from light to dark will display accurately with digital methods and pair your breed standard text to illustration. It all begins with the drawing, but modern technology can be an essential aid in completion.
No matter what breed, re-sizing clearly is very important when the illustrated breed standard publication is being prepared. For an illustration to retain its clarity, it should always be re-sized to the target area by using the percentage method. Multiple sizing from different levels will not provide the same clarity. Determine the size needed and the percentage that will fill that space. After that, re-size from the original once for best clarity. Be sure to save the original in all cases. It may sound overdone, but make back ups of the original files.
Drawing Size Comparison in the Rat Terrier